Today it is no longer possible to think that issues such as social ethics, pollution or climate change do not affect each of us closely. Our natural propensity towards research, continuous and tireless, and constant attention to quality could only guide us towards a choice based on sustainability, in its widest meaning. For this reason, since the birth of Rossomenta we have never overshadowed the human, environmental and social aspect linked to the production of our fashion collections, marking every company strategy in a continuous perspective. improvement and making this path an identity trait.

Planet - Environmental
We like to think of the Planet, in its beauty and complex diversity, as a continuous source of inspiration ... for the Rossomenta collections, of course, but also for our corporate choices: a responsible use of natural resources, also through a sustainable supply of materials of production and packaging; the use of ecological textile fibers such as: linen, hemp, jute, eco nylon, modal, viscose, eco fur; the choice not to use fur of animal origin; the disposal of certified processing waste; careful waste management and their progressive reduction; the total autonomy achieved in terms of both energy and hot water needs as early as July 2019, without releasing CO2 or fine dust into the environment.
People - Social
Every single Rossomenta garment is the result of the work and passion of all those who contributed to its creation, which is why safeguarding the "human and social heritage" has always been our priority. Protection of the rights and well-being of workers, guarantee of just working conditions and a decent wage, refusal of any form of child or forced labor, listening to the social and civil partners, support and positive influence on local communities also with the spread of good practices, are all essential and indispensable elements if you want to achieve the excellence we expect from our collections.

Profit - Governance
In achieving our goals, we never neglect the overall impact of our choices and the maintenance of those standards that we have set ourselves. A virtuous path made up of taking very specific positions such as non-discrimination at work (over 80% of the staff hired are women, as well as 50% of those who hold top positions; there is total equality between men and women both in terms of remuneration and career opportunities) or as the fight against any form of fraud or corruption.
Not a goal, but a path undertaken since birth, made up of many stages and as many satisfactions, which guided us and which will continue to do so in the future because we want the only footprint left on the planet by Rossomenta ... be the stylistic one.